Sunday, September 12, 2010

I Am the Author

You are poised like a pianist over your computer keyboard, about to rip through the silence with a fury of vibrationless sound.  Your pen dips down to its paper, and that inky scratching erupts into ripples that rock off the page.

It is 1984.  You are the author.

Doty's piece intrigued me because it was so full of assertions regarding the purpose of writing, the power of it, the authority of the author, the meaning of representation versus actual essence, the substance of memory and history, the question of art and truth.  Maybe part of it is that I just watched "The Final Cut" for philosophy class, so Doty's words landed on fertile soil.  I don't know.  At any rate, it has been quite enough to keep my little mind whirring.

We have talked much about writing - for heaven's sake, we are writers!  We have pondered it at length.  But I never seem to grow calloused to the realization of how much responsibility that role entails.  It is almost paralyzingly overwhelming, and I can't think about it when I write. 

Emily offers encouragement when she advises me to "Tell it slant," and I feel like that is a bit of what Doty is trying to say too.  He is obsessed with telling something right.  But what is right?  And from there we spiral into all sorts of philosophical questions. But in the end, he and Emily agree that my reality is a part of reality.  And it is worth writing.  And it is worth other people's knowing.

And that brings me comfort.

Writing is definitely a big job. Doty gives us more than enough to think about there.  But in the end, my inky ripples are a part of reality's waves.  My keystrokes are a cadenza.  I am the author.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

midnight muses

day-king's more patient,
wheat-hued shadow,
quiet, guards the air of time
slipping through the gilded fingers
of the whispered cricket night.
silent dusty fires
hang halcyon suspense
moons from the seeping butter glow
of the nocturnal sentinel.

she in the silver dress
dances through the butter-glow,
unaware she's all alone
(or is she? aware? or alone?),
swings her arms and
shakes her head and
flings her ankles high
and dances in the golden moon
until the fire-sky.

purple star -
steady scintillance
peering at me
in quiet confidence
and a precious curiosity...
do you sing?

you bear such silent certainty,
steady strength and character,
raw, resplendent grandeur,
yet suckle as a babe
upon the earth's green breast
and gaze up wond'ringly
into the starry lights.